In the past few weeks, the world has changed

Telecommunication providers have found themselves at the heart of this change.

With COVID 19 keeping individuals and businesses in various states of lockdown around the world, the importance of telecommunications in keeping the world connected has never been realised so well before.
Organizations and people are adapting to a new normal and it is Telecom industry that is playing a pivotal role in making it happen.
Telecom industry is the invisible force behind keeping the world connected. Telecom operators are tying the world together amidst COVID-19.
As the global economy continues to reel from lasting impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, “work from home” and “social distancing” have become the buzzwords in today’s business landscape, with the telecom sector being the invisible hand driving this shift.
Lockdown has led to an unprecedented surge in traffic volumes. The telecom operators are working 24X7 to handle the additional demands on their networks and ensure vital connectivity during these critical times:
• It is working round-the-clock for uninterrupted connectivity services.
• It is keeping banks, utilities, ecommerce and vital public services running.

The telecommunications services industry is proving to be one of the most resilient sectors of the global economy during the COVID-19 crisis.
Telcos are also seen embarking on a transformation to become an end-to-end digital platform to cater for a majority of the daily requirements at customers’ fingertips.
Due to covid-19, digitisation is gaining more importance than before. The telecom sector has played a key role in enabling industries to digitalise and thus contributing significantly to the DigitalTransformation.